Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route



+ 2



3 Years

2040 $

Amazing Experience

Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route 6 Days:

Price Includes

- 2 night for Accommodation before climbing and after climbing CBB

- Qualified Guides

- Park fees

- Hunts

- Sleeping pugs, cooking , waiter salaries

- Rescue fees

- Airport transfers ( KLM-AIR PORT)

- All meals on the mountain

- All accommodation and Entry fees for guide and crew.

Price Exclude

- Guide and porter waiter tips

- Drinks at the hotels

- Personal Mountain equipment /Eg. Sleeping bags for climb

- Emergency Oxygen

- Additional night to the mountain and at Hotels

- Extra activities, eg. Hot spring, waterfalls, cultural village visit

- Flights tickets

Cancellation Information

Cancellation of a booking of failure to join for group will result in retention of funds by NBB/Royal tour and Travel. If you will notify to the Company 30 days before departure 20% of the reservation of the cancelling party will be retained by NBB/Royal Tour and Travel and balance of the package price refunded. If cancellation will be between 20 days. the company will be cut 50% of the total amount which was been deposited to the company. If is between 15days to 10 days 100% cancellation penalty will apply to the cancellation party at that time NBB/Royal Tour and TRAVEL will be already payed and book for everything according to your package.

Tour Map

Day by Day

UMBWE is the most spectacular and direct way to reach at UHURU PEAK to the Roof of Africa, On the Umbwe Route you will pass through strange landscape as you climb through five climate zones ranging from rainforest to the summit glaciers.


Arrive at Kilimanjaro Airport and be peaked to the Hotel (Boma Masai Garden) at Bomang’ombe 18.3 Km from the Airport for your Overnight Dinner and breakfast.


Drive from Bomang’ombe to Umbwe gate. Starting hiking after a briefing followed by breakfast after that your Guide and porters will pack your equipment and give you a lunch box then continuing for several hours through forest of red Seder trees. The Umbwe Camp is in forest and there are same nearby you will be served hot meal in this point.


The day will start early with a cup coffee or tea, after breakfast you will climb slowly through forest gladden to Giant trees heather and drierair. Youcontinueup aridge that drops sleepily on both sides and hope fully the clouds will be part to reward you with a view of UHURU-PEAK looming. Over head on lateafternoon, you will have lunch and enter a zone of bushes that seems to guards the heights, here its where you could see the Kilimanjaro special plantations.


In the morning you pack then start hiking east over intervenes rides and valleys to join the Mweka Route, which will be your decent route, Turn left the Mountain and hike up the ridge through a landscape for another hour to the Barafu hut. CONTRUCTION: Where you will receive a hot Lunch the last water on the raise is in the Karanga Valley. There is no Water at Barafu Camp;the famous snows of Kilimanjaro are far above Barafu Camp near the summit of the Mountain. Your tent will be pitched on a narrow stony, wind, swept ridge. Make sure your study the place before dark to avoid any accidents. Prepare you equipment and warm clothing for your summit climb do not forget to drink a lot fluids after early dinner go to for a few hours of precious sleep.


Is a shorter climb as make our way to Barafu High Camp and prepare for your assault on UHURU PEAK you will arrive in Camp early and have some time to rest and prepare for your ascent that right. Pack your head lamp, water and other essentials and get a few hours’ sleep, you will be back on the trail by midnight for the preparation to climb to Kilimanjaro summit.


Todays the day you will leave Barafu Camp at midnight and begin your night climb to the roof of Africa. This stretch will push you as your body is tired and the climb keeps going through the night keep a steady pace and listen to your guide as you make it through the final stage of the climb standing at UHURU- PEAK Watching the sun rise and the clouds run below you after a brief nest and a few photos from the peak run below you after a brief net and a few photos from the peak you will be back from trail.Descending is faster and lazier but you have a way to go today going down you will head back to Barafu hut for a shot nap and snacks before continuing down to Mweka camp for the night.


This is the last day where you will be back to Mweka Gate. It is the best day to saybye to your guides, cook, porters and all crew. Please don’t forget to tip the crew because in African community tip shows the real appreciationfor the best services you had to the mountain.